On the SSL certification framework
Came upon this post in Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupportgore/comments/4tobss/my_library_wants_me_to_install_a_root_certificate...

Adventures in Azure Backup Server part 2
In order to test the recovery of my backup I created an A1 virtual machine in Azure, added 2 Data disks (2TB HDD space for recovery) and...

On Teamviewer Security
So teamviewer may have been breached. Or maybe not. Maybe people should not use the same passwords between different accounts. For those...

On Publishing RDP to the internet
This graph shows the difference between the attacks on a publicly published RDP server, and one that is not published on port 3389. On...

Adventures in Azure Backup Server
Backing up of the fileshare to Azure Recovery Services Vault (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/backup/) 1. Initial backup was...

Windows Azure and your wallet
Are you keeping track of your Azure consumption? Under MPSA (https://www.microsoft.com/en-sg/Licensing/MPSA/) your azure consumption...

Every dataset you could think to pull from Singapore's open data portal. Your tax dollars at work.

Employee Cyber-security Toolkit
Have you heard of the Employee Cyber-security Toolkit? Developed by the National Security Coordination Secretariat with the support of...