On Teamviewer Security
So teamviewer may have been breached. Or maybe not. Maybe people should not use the same passwords between different accounts.
For those not in the know, about a month ago several people have reported their computers being taken over by teamviewer. You can see the initial reports here: https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/4m7ay6/teamviewer_has_been_hacked_they_are_denying/ and here https://www.reddit.com/r/teamviewer/comments/4m6omd/teamviewer_breach_masterthread_please_post_your/ and a security best practice thread has even been posted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/teamviewer/comments/4ktys8/teamviewer_security_best_practices/ Bear in mind these are recommendations from the users themselves. Here is Teamviewer official response: https://www.teamviewer.com/en/company/press/teamviewer-launches-trusted-devices-and-data-integrity/ But what is a corporate user supposed to do when supporting a large organization with many users over teamviewer? One possible solution is: Quicksupport. It's been there for a while now, it's just not the default app that they will send you to (blah blah market share blah blah) but if you scroll down a bit from the download button, there it is. https://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/windows/ What benefit do you have from using quicksupport over Teamviewer? 1. Users have to actively run the app when they require help. Have a level of deniability should the user claim you have been logging into his computer without his permission 2. The app cannot be installed or run as a service. Don't have your teamviewer running all the time, even when you don't need it to. One thing not possible so far is prevent teamviewer from running as a host when you are the guest. It could be a technical issue preventing this, but not likely as this is the way the mobile app works, at least on IOS. - Work safely and securely