Firewall to Azure Site to Site VPN
To update this post: Many changes have been made to Azure VPN Gateway since, here are the latest updates:
1. IKEv1 is no longer Supported. You need a firewall that supports IKEv2
Settings as recommended:
Key Negotiation Tries: 5
Re-key connection: On
Compression: Off
SHA2 with 96-bit trunctation: Off
Authentication: Main Mode
Phase 1: Key Life 28800, Re-key Margin 60, Randomize Re-key Margin by 100
- DH Groups: 2, 14, 21
- Encryption: AES256, Authentication SHA2 256;
- Encryption: AES256, Authentication SHA2 512;
Phase 2: PFS (None), Key Life 27000
- Encryption: AES256, Authentication SHA2 512;
- Encryption: AES256, Authentication SHA2 256;
Dead Peer Detection: On
- Check peer after every 30 Sec
- Wait for response up to 120 Sec
- When peer is unreachable, Re-initiate Connection
Azure Virtual Network Gateway
Gateway type: VPN
VPN type: Route-Based
Sophos SG UTM
no longer supported
Sophos SFOS XG (this is preinstalled into the firmware)

Peplink device

Jul 15, 2016
For anyone trying to connect their IPFire firewall ( Azure VPN Gateway, here is the required setting visualized
Bonus: Bonus: Connecting Sophos UTM to Azure VPN Gateway requires this IPsec Policy to be configured on the UTM (credit: